Peach Plant
Peaches are believed to be the “Queen” of fruits and have the very next position after the apples in popularity. It is a remarkable fruit, having a delicious taste, a good looking colour. Fresh peach is comprised of very healthy nutrient. It has a rich source of vitamins A and C and also contains potassium and fibre. The fruit has over 80% water and one average sized Peach has 7% of the dietary fibre which is required each day. The Peach season usually starts in May and continues till the first week of September. Peach plants are available in plastic bags or pots, where they roots are safely growing. Once you get it simply shift it into your Garden or grow bags. Your gardner can guide you how to plant so it will get settle down quickly.
Price: 750/=
Size: 4 – 5 feet Long.
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